Unleashing the Power of Environmental Variables: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Environmental Variables from Inside a QMake .pro File on Linux
Image by Phillane - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of Environmental Variables: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Environmental Variables from Inside a QMake .pro File on Linux

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Are you tired of manually configuring environmental variables every time you build a project on Linux? Do you wish there was a way to simplify the process and make your workflow more efficient? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to set up environmental variables from inside a QMake .pro file on Linux, making your development life easier and more streamlined.

What are Environmental Variables and Why Do We Need Them?

Environmental variables are values that are set outside of a program and are used to configure the program’s behavior. They can be used to store configuration options, file paths, and other settings that are required for a program to function correctly. In the context of building projects on Linux, environmental variables can be used to specify the location of libraries, include files, and other dependencies.

In a QMake project, environmental variables can be used to customize the build process, such as specifying the compiler flags, library paths, and other build settings. By setting up environmental variables from inside a QMake .pro file, you can streamline your build process and make it more efficient.

Understanding the QMake .pro File

A QMake .pro file is a project file used by the Qt framework to configure and build projects. The .pro file contains information about the project, such as the source files, headers, libraries, and other dependencies. It also specifies the build settings, such as the compiler flags and library paths.

The .pro file is written in a syntax similar to a Makefile, with variables and values separated by equal signs (=). For example:

TARGET = myproject
SOURCES += main.cpp
HEADERS += myheader.h
LIBS += -lmylib

Setting Up Environmental Variables from Inside a QMake .pro File

Now that we’ve covered the basics of QMake and environmental variables, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of setting up environmental variables from inside a QMake .pro file on Linux.

Method 1: Using the QMAKE_ENV_VARS Variable

The QMAKE_ENV_VARS variable is a built-in QMake variable that allows you to set environmental variables from inside a .pro file. Here’s an example of how to use it:


In this example, we’re setting an environmental variable named MY_VAR to the value “hello”. You can then access this variable in your code using the following syntax:


You can also set multiple environmental variables at once by separating them with spaces:

QMAKE_ENV_VARS += MY_VAR1=hello MY_VAR2=world

Method 2: Using the QMAKE_LFLAGS and QMAKE_CFLAGS Variables

The QMAKE_LFLAGS and QMAKE_CFLAGS variables are used to specify the linker and compiler flags, respectively. You can use these variables to set environmental variables that affect the build process. Here’s an example:


In this example, we’re setting an environmental variable named MY_VAR to the value “hello” using the -D flag. This variable can then be accessed in your code using the following syntax:

#ifdef MY_VAR
    // code that uses the MY_VAR variable

Method 3: Using the system() Function

The system() function is a QMake function that allows you to execute shell commands from inside a .pro file. You can use this function to set environmental variables using the export command. Here’s an example:

system(export MY_VAR=hello)

In this example, we’re using the system() function to execute the export command, which sets an environmental variable named MY_VAR to the value “hello”. This variable can then be accessed in your code using the following syntax:


Best Practices and Tips

Here are some best practices and tips to keep in mind when setting up environmental variables from inside a QMake .pro file on Linux:

  • Use meaningful variable names that are easy to understand and follow a consistent naming convention.
  • Avoid using spaces in variable names and values.
  • Use quotes around variable values that contain spaces or special characters.
  • Be careful when using the system() function, as it can execute arbitrary shell commands.
  • Test your environmental variables thoroughly to ensure they are set correctly and do not cause unexpected behavior.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve shown you how to set up environmental variables from inside a QMake .pro file on Linux using three different methods. By following these steps and best practices, you can simplify your build process, make your workflow more efficient, and take your development skills to the next level.

Remember, environmental variables are a powerful tool that can be used to customize and configure your build process. With the knowledge and skills gained from this article, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of QMake and take your development projects to new heights.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started today and discover the power of environmental variables in QMake!

Method Syntax Description
QMAKE_ENV_VARS QMAKE_ENV_VARS += MY_VAR=hello Sets an environmental variable named MY_VAR to the value “hello”
QMAKE_LFLAGS and QMAKE_CFLAGS QMAKE_LFLAGS += -DMY_VAR=hello Sets an environmental variable named MY_VAR to the value “hello” using the -D flag
system() Function system(export MY_VAR=hello) Executes the export command to set an environmental variable named MY_VAR to the value “hello”

Note: This article is optimized for the keyword “How to setup environmental variable from inside qmake .pro file on linux?” and is designed to provide comprehensive and direct instructions and explanations on the topic.

Frequently Asked Question

Setting up environmental variables from inside a qmake .pro file on Linux can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you get started:

Q1: Can I set environmental variables directly in my qmake .pro file?

Yes, you can set environmental variables directly in your qmake .pro file using the following syntax: `QMAKE_ENV += VARIABLE_NAME=value`. For example, `QMAKE_ENV += MY_VAR=my_value` sets an environmental variable named `MY_VAR` with the value `my_value`.

Q2: How can I append to an existing environmental variable in my qmake .pro file?

To append to an existing environmental variable, you can use the following syntax: `QMAKE_ENV += VARIABLE_NAME+=${VARIABLE_NAME}new_value`. For example, `QMAKE_ENV += PATH+=$${PATH}:/new/path` appends the value `:/new/path` to the existing `PATH` environmental variable.

Q3: Can I set environmental variables based on conditions in my qmake .pro file?

Yes, you can set environmental variables based on conditions using the `ifeq` or `ifdef` directives. For example, `ifeq($(DEBUG), 1) { QMAKE_ENV += DEBUG_MODE=1 }` sets the `DEBUG_MODE` environmental variable to `1` only if the `DEBUG` variable is set to `1`.

Q4: How can I unset an environmental variable in my qmake .pro file?

To unset an environmental variable, you can simply assign an empty value to it: `QMAKE_ENV -= VARIABLE_NAME=`. For example, `QMAKE_ENV -= MY_VAR=` unsets the `MY_VAR` environmental variable.

Q5: Will environmental variables set in my qmake .pro file affect the entire system?

No, environmental variables set in your qmake .pro file will only affect the build process and the generated executable. They will not affect the entire system or persist outside the build environment.

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