Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]: A Deep Dive into MySQL Troubleshooting
Image by Phillane - hkhazo.biz.id

Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]: A Deep Dive into MySQL Troubleshooting

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Are you tired of dealing with mysterious MySQL errors that seem to appear out of nowhere? Do you find yourself staring at the phrase “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” wondering what on earth it means and how to fix it? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll take a comprehensive look at this error, its causes, and most importantly, how to troubleshoot and resolve it.

What is the “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error?

The “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error is a MySQL error that occurs when the database is experiencing issues with write operations. This error is often accompanied by slow query performance, timeouts, and even crashes. But what exactly does it mean?

Breakdown of the error message

  • Random long writes: This part of the error message indicates that the database is experiencing slow write operations. This can be due to various reasons, including disk I/O bottlenecks, high CPU usage, or inadequate system resources.
  • waiting for handler commit: This section of the error message suggests that the database is waiting for a handler (a background thread responsible for executing queries) to commit the changes. This can be a sign of contention between multiple threads, leading to delays and performance issues.
  • [migrated]: This part of the error message indicates that the query has been migrated to a different thread or handler. This can happen when the original handler is busy or experiencing issues, causing the query to be reassigned to another handler.

Causes of the “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error

Now that we’ve broken down the error message, let’s explore some common causes of this issue:

Disk I/O bottlenecks

One of the primary causes of the “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error is disk I/O bottlenecks. If your disk is slow or experiencing high latency, it can cause write operations to slow down, leading to this error.

 Disk I/O bottlenecks can be caused by:

* Slow disk hardware
* High disk usage
* Inadequate disk capacity
* Poor disk configuration

High CPU usage

High CPU usage can also contribute to the “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error. If your system is experiencing high CPU usage, it can slow down write operations, leading to this error.

High CPU usage can be caused by:

* Resource-intensive queries
* Poor query optimization
* Inadequate indexing
* High system resource usage

Inadequate system resources

Inadequate system resources, such as RAM or CPU, can also cause the “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error. If your system is struggling to keep up with the demand, it can lead to slow write operations and this error.

Inadequate system resources can be caused by:

* Inadequate RAM
* Insufficient CPU cores
* Poor system configuration
* Resource-intensive applications

Troubleshooting the “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error

Now that we’ve covered the causes of the “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error, let’s dive into some troubleshooting steps to help you resolve this issue:

Step 1: Check disk I/O performance

Use tools like `iotop` or `sysdig` to monitor disk I/O performance and identify any bottlenecks:

iotop -o -b -n 10

Step 2: Optimize queries

Use the `EXPLAIN` statement to analyze query performance and identify any optimization opportunities:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE condition;

Step 3: Check system resources

Use tools like `top` or `htop` to monitor system resource usage and identify any bottlenecks:

top -bn 1

Step 4: Adjust MySQL configuration

Adjust MySQL configuration settings to optimize performance and reduce the likelihood of the “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error:

innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 128M
innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M

Step 5: Upgrade hardware (if necessary)

If you’ve identified hardware bottlenecks, consider upgrading your disk or system resources to improve performance:

Upgrade disk to faster storage (e.g., SSD)
Add more RAM or CPU cores to improve system performance


The “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error can be a frustrating and mysterious issue, but by understanding its causes and following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and resolve the root cause of the problem. Remember to monitor disk I/O performance, optimize queries, check system resources, adjust MySQL configuration, and upgrade hardware if necessary. With these steps, you’ll be well on your way to resolving this error and improving the performance of your MySQL database.


Q: What is the “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error?

A: The “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error is a MySQL error that occurs when the database is experiencing issues with write operations, often due to disk I/O bottlenecks, high CPU usage, or inadequate system resources.

Q: How do I troubleshoot the “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error?

A: To troubleshoot the “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error, check disk I/O performance, optimize queries, check system resources, adjust MySQL configuration, and upgrade hardware if necessary.

Q: What are some common causes of the “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error?

A: Common causes of the “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error include disk I/O bottlenecks, high CPU usage, and inadequate system resources.

Cause Description
Disk I/O bottlenecks Slow disk hardware, high disk usage, inadequate disk capacity, or poor disk configuration
High CPU usage Resource-intensive queries, poor query optimization, inadequate indexing, or high system resource usage
Inadequate system resources Inadequate RAM, insufficient CPU cores, poor system configuration, or resource-intensive applications

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” with our top 5 FAQs!

What does “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” even mean?

Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds! This error message typically appears when a database is experiencing issues with its write handlers. It means that the database is taking longer than expected to complete write operations, causing a backlog of pending writes. Think of it like a traffic jam on the database highway – everything is slowing down!

What’s the “handler commit” part all about?

In this context, the “handler commit” refers to the process of committing (or finalizing) write operations to the database. The handler is responsible for ensuring that all changes are properly saved and updated. When the database is waiting for the handler commit, it’s essentially saying, “Hey, I’ve got some changes to make, but I need to make sure everything is stable and secure before I do so.”

Why does this error occur in the first place?

There are a few common culprits behind this error. It might be due to high traffic or resource constraints, causing the database to slow down. Alternatively, it could be a sign of inefficient database queries, inadequate indexing, or even a misconfigured database setup. Sometimes, it’s just a one-time glitch, but other times, it requires some detective work to identify the root cause.

How do I fix this issue?

The solution will depend on the specific cause of the issue. You might need to scale up your database resources, optimize your queries, or revisit your indexing strategy. In some cases, a simple reboot or a database maintenance task might do the trick. If you’re not sure where to start, consider consulting with a seasoned database administrator or developer for guidance.

Is this error specific to any particular database management system?

Not necessarily! While the exact error message might vary, the “Random long writes (waiting for handler commit) [migrated]” error can occur in various database management systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, among others. The underlying causes and solutions may differ, but the general principles for troubleshooting and resolving the issue remain similar.

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